Postdoctoral Fellowship
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There isn’t one. All grant applications are considered on a rolling basis. We move fast so you can too.
Fellowships provide the necessary resources to support and encourage the development of young scientists who benefit from the mentorship of prominent researchers. We believe the investment in Angelman syndrome research training will grow exponentially as our fellows later assume professorial roles in departments around the world, many of which currently have no representation in Angelman syndrome research. Applicants may request up to $50,000 per year for up to two years for salary, fringe and consumable costs. For more information, you can always write to
Postdoctoral awardees are required to pursue their research and academic training on a full-time basis, or as specified by the sponsoring institution in accordance with its own policies. Research clinicians must devote full time to their proposed research training and must restrict clinical duties within their full time research training experience to activities that are directly related to the research training experience. Institutions receiving grants must be recognized as nonprofit. In the US, this means institutions that do not operate to make a profit. Individuals should have training and experience at least equal to the PhD or MD level.
Duration of Support
Fellowships are awarded for the period of one year and may be renewed for a second year, based on satisfactory progress. Either one or two year grants have a maximum recommended funding of $50,000 per year. For one-year grants, recipients are required to furnish a financial report and bi-yearly progress report within six months of the award activation date, and a final report 60-days following the conclusion of the grant if no Year 2 funding is being requested. Quarterly updates at both 3 and 9 months will be provided via email, video, or audio call to share progress with FAST throughout the award period. Second year funding is non-competitive but is based on review of the first year’s progress report. For grants longer than 1 year, a grant renewal application must be submitted at least 8 weeks before the subsequent year of funding is requested along with a progress and financial report. For more information on renewal guidelines please click here.
Allowable Costs
Potential allowable costs include:
Stipend: $46,000 Per year;
Travel Funds: Up to $1,500 per year to attend a conference most helpful to the fellow’s Angelman syndrome-related research;
Research Expenses: $3,000 Per year to be utilized for expenses related to completion of the research project. FAST is unable to pay for indirect costs under any circumstances.
Application and Submission Information
Write the research plan: Applicants should download the grant application form and prepare a Research Plan that emphasizes the methods and utilizes the following outline format:
Abstract: A succinct description of the proposed work that includes the project’s broad, long-term objectives and specific aims, and a description of the research design and methods.
Lay summary: This should include your research objectives and your preliminary work that can be easily interpreted by a lay person. The focus should be on the translational component of your research objectives. (1 page maximum). We are committed to educating the public about the importance of this research and this will be posted on the FAST website if the project is funded.
Budget Justification: One page budget with justification is required.
Other Support: Please list all active and pending support to ensure there is no scientific, budgetary, or commitment overlap.
Facilities and Resources: This section should include any organizational resources available to perform the proposed studies. Identify the facilities to be used (Laboratory, Animal, Computer, Office, Clinical and Other). If appropriate, indicate their capacities, pertinent capabilities, relative proximity and extent of availability to the project. Describe only those resources that are directly applicable to the proposed work.
Budget: Applicants must use the budget sheet provided in application materials. If the proposal is multi-year, Applicants must use separate budget sheets per year, fill in the start and end date and applicable amounts for each year of support separately, summing for total amount requested.
Hypotheses and Specific Aims: Include specific research questions, objectives and hypotheses. The focus of the applications should be aligned with the FAST mission.
Background and Significance: provide rationale for the research with emphasis on what is needed and why this project would benefit a translational therapeutic research program for Angelman syndrome.
Preliminary studies: Include any preliminary data you have gathered which supports the specific research question(s).
Research Design and Methods: Include study design, methods, and expected results.
Limitations and Potential Pitfalls: Discuss potential difficulties and/or limitations in achieving aims and alternative approaches to achieving aims.
Timeline: A research timeline will be provided with milestone goals to be reached during the funding period. These milestones will measure progress made throughout the award period and help determine Year 2 funding if applicable.
Biosketch: The biosketch of the PI and any collaborative personnel for the project. Please use the current NIH Biosketch format.
Secure a letter of recommendation from your Mentor: The applicant’s Mentor Letter(s) must describe in detail:
Their commitments to and proposed roles in guiding the individual applicant during the research training experience;
Their assessment of the applicant’s ability to conduct the proposed research;
The facilities and major equipment available the applicant that is relevant to the proposed
Secure Letters of Recommendation. Applicants are required to request two letters of recommendation in addition to the required Mentor Letter to be submitted on their behalf. Generally speaking, successful recommendations should provide testimony to the Fellow’s aptitude and ability to execute the proposed research. In the event the Fellow is/will be employed by a foreign institution, the US Co-Mentor Letter may replace one of the additional two letters of recommendation.
Proposal in Arial or Times New Roman size 11 point font, single or 1.15 spacing;
Margins no less than 0.5”;
Include a header on each page indicating name of PI (Last, First), page number;
Figures and figure legends included within the 5 page limit.
Submit Application Materials:
Applications must be submitted electronically to this link. Applications will be accepted on a rolling basis. Any questions about the application process should be directed to
Download a printable copy here.