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About FAST


Don’t be shy. We’re not :)

Contacting FAST

Every individual at FAST—including board members and staff—can be reached at Write to us!

Register for Science News and Alerts

Connecting on Social Media

FAST main page (public): This is our main organizational Facebook page, where we drop FAST news, leadership and staff updates, science news, and the like. These items include information featured in our newsletter, and which may be pre-scheduled or posted by the social media team.

FAST Family & Friends Facebook group (private, actively moderated): This is the Facebook group to go to for polite, reasonable discussion around all of the above. It’s also where you’ll find people sharing personal stories or information, either unprovoked or led by administrators to start positive discussions.

Clinical Trials: This is a Facebook group where we drop up-to-the-minute information about clinical trials, as well as offer the community access to our science and regulatory experts for any questions related to trials. We designed it to ensure that important information related to trials and translational research doesn’t get lost in other group feeds, and are easily available and searchable. 

FAST on Instagram: The best place to watch Easton’s videos :) And more.

FAST Angelman Syndrome News


This website contains information for a broad audience and may include information on current and upcoming programs that are not yet approved or accessible The information provided is for general informational purposes only and is not intended as medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. While FAST strives to provide accurate and up-to-date information, the content on this site may not always reflect the most current research or clinical guidelines. The inclusion of clinical trial information, treatments or specific healthcare providers does not imply endorsement, recommendation or guarantee of safety, efficacy, or availability. Reliance on any information provided by this website is solely at your own risk. FAST disclaims any liability for any errors or omissions in the information provided or for any decisions made based on this information. For personalized medical advice or specific health concerns including participation in any clinical trial, please consult a qualified healthcare professional.