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Innovation Seed Grant

At the core of FAST's mission is a commitment to supporting individuals living with Angelman syndrome (AS) and their caregivers, with the ultimate goal of helping them realize their full potential and bring scientific and therapeutic advancements that effectively can translate to the human condition.

FAST is committed to bringing practical treatments for AS into current medical practice as quickly as possible. While our priority is on funding translational and clinical research, we also support high-risk/high-reward programs that may provide proof-of-concept data for innovative research strategies focused on specific therapeutic platforms and areas of significant gaps in disease understanding or facilitation of current therapeutic programs.

Looking for our deadline?

There isn’t one. All grant applications are considered on a rolling basis. We move as fast so you can too.

The Innovation Seed Grant is a specialized funding initiative aimed at catalyzing pioneering research that could drive transformative advances in the understanding and treatment of AS. The grant seeks to support innovative, high-risk, high-reward ideas at the proof-of-concept stage, helping researchers explore novel approaches with the potential to make a meaningful impact on the field.

Grants range in size from $10,000 to $50,000 and are available to a broad spectrum of applicants, including individual researchers, multidisciplinary research teams, and collaborative partnerships between academic institutions and industry entities. The primary goal is to foster breakthrough research that could lay the foundation for future developments in the diagnosis, treatment, and understanding of Angelman Syndrome.

Proposals submitted to the Innovation Seed Grant program are expected to focus on cutting-edge, untested hypotheses that have the potential to lead to transformative advancements in one or more of the following areas:

  • Treatment strategies: Exploring novel therapeutic interventions that could ameliorate symptoms or address underlying causes of the syndrome.

  • Therapeutic targets: Identifying specific biological pathways or molecules that could serve as targets for future therapies.

  • Biomarker identification: Discovering biomarkers that could help in diagnosing Angelman Syndrome earlier or tracking disease progression more effectively.

The program is specifically designed to support early-stage feasibility studies, where the research is in its preliminary phases and requires initial data to demonstrate the viability of an innovative approach. By providing this seed funding, the grant enables researchers to generate crucial proof-of-principle data, which can then be used to apply for larger-scale funding from government agencies, private foundations, or industry partners.

Key Dates

All grant applications have a rolling deadline. Please contact: for more information.


Institutions receiving grants are generally recognized as nonprofit organizations. In the US, this means institutions that do not operate to make a profit. In rare circumstances funding is given to contract research organizations or industry scientific teams. Individuals should have training and experience at least equal to the Ph.D. or M.D. level.

Duration of Support

Innovative Seed Grants are one-time awards that must be completed within a year of funding.

FAST Reporting Policy

All proposed work included in an Innovative Seed Grant Award must be completed within one year of funding. A final report must be submitted within 60 days following the project termination date and should include all information requested in the FAST Innovative Seed Grant template, as well as a detailed accounting of the funds awarded. Upon submission of the written and financial report, a meeting will be scheduled with the FAST Scientific Panel to review all progress made throughout the duration of the award.

Allowable Cost Policy

Potential allowable costs include:

  • Reagents and Services: These may include but are not limited to: gene chips, chemical libraries, acquisition of cell lines, acquisition of animal model lines.

  • Services: These may include, but are not limited to: genetic sequencing, proteomics, metabolomics, mass spectrometry, antibody production, and drug/chemical manufacturing.

  • Equipment: FAST will consider the purchase of specialized pieces of equipment or software purchases for specific projects when necessary.

  • Personnel: Including salary and fringe benefits. No more than 20% of the funds requested can be used for salary and fringe benefits.

Costs that are not allowable:

  • Indirect Costs

  • General office supplies/equipment

  • Bridging funds to cover gaps in grant funding

Application and Submission Information

Applicants must prepare a one-page Letter of Intent and include the following:

  • Hypotheses and Specific Aims: Include specific research questions, objectives and hypotheses. The focus of the applications should be aligned with the FAST mission.

  • Lay Summary: This should include your research objectives and your preliminary work that can be easily interpreted by a lay person. The focus should be on the translational component of your research objectives (1 page maximum). We are committed to educating the public about the importance of this research and this will be posted on the FAST website if the project is funded.

  • Budget: Detailed budget, keeping in mind what costs are allowable and not allowable (see above)

  • Biosketch: The biosketch of the PI and any collaborative personnel for the project should be included but does fall within the 1-page limit.


  • Formatting guidelines for a FAST grant submission include:

  • Proposal in Arial or Times New Roman size 11 point font, single or 1.15 spacing;

  • Margins no less than 0.5”;

  • Include a header on each page indicating name of PI (Last, First), page number;

  • Figures and figure legends included within the 5 page limit.

Submit Application Materials

Applications must be submitted electronically to this link. Applications will be accepted on a rolling basis. Any questions about the application process should be directed to

Similar or Identical Applications

FAST will not consider grant applications with essentially the same research focus from the same applicant organization. This includes derivative or multiple applications that aim to create a single product, process, or service that can be applied to various purposes with minor modifications. Applicants must confirm and ensure that the materials they submit are original and have not been utilized elsewhere in the preparation and submission of a similar grant application. If another grant is approved during the grant review process with any overlap to the submitted grant the Chair of the SAB.

Human and Animal Subjects

Human subjects studied in the course of research conducted under a research award are under no circumstances the responsibility of FAST. Human subjects in a program supported by FAST shall be volunteers in any survey, study, or procedure. FAST requires recipients of any award using human subjects to demonstrate institutional review board (IRB) approval of the research project prior to dispersal of the awarded funds. If IRB approval cannot be obtained within 6 months of the award, the award may be rescinded by the Board of Directors.

If animals are used in the proposed study, written certification must be provided to FAST indicating that proper treatment, care, and humane conditions will be provided. FAST requires recipients to receive approval from the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) prior to starting any animal work on the FAST grant.

Prohibition of Discrimination

No person shall be excluded from participation in or denied the benefits of any program or activity receiving financial assistance from FAST because of race, ethnic origin, religion, age, sex or sexual orientation.

Amendment of Policies

FAST reserves the right to modify its policies governing research awards at any time. The recipient agrees to abide by any changes or to terminate the grant at the time when such changes become effective. Failure to abide by the policies governing awards shall be considered sufficient grounds for cancellation of an award or refusal to consider any pending application by the grantee.

FAST Angelman Syndrome News


This website contains information for a broad audience and may include information on current and upcoming programs that are not yet approved or accessible The information provided is for general informational purposes only and is not intended as medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. While FAST strives to provide accurate and up-to-date information, the content on this site may not always reflect the most current research or clinical guidelines. The inclusion of clinical trial information, treatments or specific healthcare providers does not imply endorsement, recommendation or guarantee of safety, efficacy, or availability. Reliance on any information provided by this website is solely at your own risk. FAST disclaims any liability for any errors or omissions in the information provided or for any decisions made based on this information. For personalized medical advice or specific health concerns including participation in any clinical trial, please consult a qualified healthcare professional.