Families & Caregivers
Trials & Studies in AS
FAST is committed to keeping you up to date with the latest in research for Angelman syndrome and news on upcoming and ongoing clinical trials. On this page we have included a few resources to assist you in understanding the basics of clinical trials and observational studies along with what is currently active on clinicaltrials.gov for Angelman syndrome. We are here to keep you informed and up to date on the various different options available for individuals living with Angelman syndrome.
Participate in a clinical trial (interventional)
For information on the latest clinical trials for investigational therapeutics for Angelman syndrome, visit the Angelman Syndrome Drug Development Pipeline and click on any purple bar for more information.
Clinical trial for behavioral interventions:
The Web Intervention for Parents of Youth With Genetic Syndromes (WINGS)'s purpose is to evaluate the effectiveness of an adapted, telehealth functional behavioral therapy (FBTsIDD) specifically focused on promoting appropriate communication and behavioral strategies in individuals with syndromic intellectual and developmental disorders. For more information, visit clinicaltrials.gov.
Participate in an Observational Study
A type of clinical study in which participants are identified as belonging to study groups and are assessed for biomedical or health outcomes. Participants may receive diagnostic, therapeutic, or other types of interventions, but the investigator does not assign participants to a specific interventions/treatment (source: clinicaltrials.gov)