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Homeschooling resources

We understand that many caregivers have been asked to now fulfill the role of educator, paraprofessional, physical therapist, occupational therapist, and speech therapist, in addition to working from home, managing schedules, and other daily duties. It can all feel incredibly overwhelming, but we're here for you! We've compiled resources to hopefully help ease you into these new roles and put resources at your fingertips. We recommend that first and foremost you connect with your child’s education team for direction, but hope the following information is helpful as well. This list is not all-inclusive, but contains ideas for activities, strategies you may find useful, and free resources (either digital or printables). We will update this list as we become aware of new resources. If you have any specific questions are are looking for specific resources, please don't hesitate to reach out to us at

COVID-19 Specific:

Physical Education/Movement ideas:


Educational Resources:

Social Studies and Sciences

Art and Crafts:

Sensory Play:

Communication Resources:

Fine Motor Activities:

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