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Evaluation of IGF-2 in a Rat Model of Angelman Syndrome

$165,000 2019 FT2019-001

Evaluation of IGF-2 in a Rat Model of Angelman Syndrome

The overall objective of the proposal is to evaluate whether insulin-like growth factor-2 (IGF-2) or an IGF-2 receptor ligand L1 (L1) as a potential therapeutic for Angelman syndrome (AS). The principal investigator (PI) proposes to test IGF-2 and L1 on novel phenotypes recently identified in a novel AS rat model. The PI proposes three specific aims: 1) to determine the optimum dosage of IGF-2 and L1 with subcutaneous injection; 2) to determine whether IGF-2 and L1 treatment can reverse gait, associative memory, and working deficits displayed by AS model rats; 3) to determine whether IGF-2 and L1 treatment increase synaptic function and signal transduction in AS model rats.

Principle Investigator

Kevin Nash, PhD