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Global Spotlight: FAST Spain recognized on Madrid Metro

FAST Spain’s Chairperson, Domingo Delgado, submitted a video with his daughter, Carla, who lives with Angelman syndrome, to a 2022 video campaign by the Department of Transport of the Community of Madrid. Here's Domingo's account of what happened:

"The Department of Transport of the Community of Madrid has organized this action since 2016, and the action is called "We are On-Line with You". They select every year 12 solidarity causes (1 per each line of the metro) and this year they have asked for a video of 30 seconds where each Foundation/Cause must summarize what they do, and then during 15 days all workers of Metro de Madrid have to vote for the 12 "best ones". The video was made by my daughter Carla and me ❤️, and they voted it as one of the best videos. Campaign started on 19th December and it ended on 13th January.

The Community of Madrid assigns advertising space on the network to twelve social entities (one for each line) so that they can give visibility to the work they carry out. The initiative was presented by the Minister of Transport and Infrastructure, David Pérez.

Among the causes supported by this action are social issues such as the rights of people with disabilities, research to fight rare diseases, as well as care for the elderly or minors who are at risk of social exclusion.

The line assigned to FAST is Line 10 (line with Blue Color)."

Read more in this story shared by the Community of Madrid.