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FAST France - Eye Study

FAST France has recently funded an Eye-Tracking study that was featured in BioTech France. This effort is led by leaders in their respective fields. Nadia Bahi-Buisson, a FAST Scientific Advisory Board member, has over 250 publications and Nathalie Boddart has almost 400.

The principal objective is to study the abnormalities of social perceptions with eye tracking in children with Angelman syndrome using 42 individuals living with AS and 20 typical individuals for a time frame of one year.

Secondary objectives include:

  • Evaluate whether eye tracking highlights differences within the different genotypes of Angelman syndrome: Deletion, Mutation, IPD, UPD, others.

  • Correlate eye-tracking data with medical imaging data previously obtained for these children.

  • To study anatomical-functional abnormalities in study children who had previously undergone medical imaging.

  • (Evaluate the parallel and link between ASD and Angelman syndrome through eye tracking and medical imaging results).

The expected benefits of the study include:

  • Establish use of eye tracking is a robust tool for characterizing and identifying abnormalities in social perceptions in children with AS = identification of a new method for assessing social skills in Angelman children.

  • Tool to be considered as an objective marker for the evaluation of efficacy in current and future clinical trials.

  • Could be used as Supporting objective evidence measuring the efficacy of therapeutic treatments currently undergoing clinical trials to help obtain validation from regulatory authorities (FDA, EMEA etc.)

  • New scientific evidence of the differences between the different genotypes of Angelman syndrome.

  • Research could reinforce the existing link between Angelman syndrome and ASD, enabling families to have access to better care in the future.

Learn more about FAST France and the rest of our global chapters here.