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CAN Spotlight: Matthew Gocker continues to support AS Family in Wisconsin!

Jena and Sean, parents of Payslie, who lives with Angelman syndrome, have been raising funds and advocating for their daughter since their diagnosis in May 2021. They live in a small town outside of Madison, WI and through their work, they caught the attention of local resident, Matthew Gocker. 

Since Matthew met Payslie and her family, he has quickly risen up as a great supporter for their family and the Angelman syndrome community. He has held fundraisers, donated, and helped bring awareness to AS on his own! 

Most recently, he was the driving force of planning a Comedy night fundraiser to benefit FAST.  Local residents gathered for a night of laughs, dinner, drinks, and took their chances at some raffle baskets and silent auction – raising $3,000! 

Thank you, Matthew, for supporting the Berndts and the entire AS community through your brilliant ideas and generous heart!  


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