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ASF & FAST Advocate for Caregivers

ASF & FAST joined dozens of other organizations to advocate for federal efforts aimed at supporting caregivers. Both organizations signed a letter supporting the establishment of The Office of Caregiver Health, and a letter endorsing the Alleviating Barriers for Caregivers (ABC) Act.

The establishment of The Office of Caregiver Health at the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) Office of the Secretary would provide an unprecedented level of coordination, leveraging research and knowledge across federal agencies. The office will focus on family caregivers, coordinating programs, reducing complexity, preventing duplication, ensuring caregivers are considered in policies that impact them, and providing caregivers with a centralized resource entry point.

The Alleviating Barriers for Caregivers Act (ABC Act) would help reduce red tape by requiring the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) and Social Security Administration (SSA) to review eligibility determinations and application processes, procedures, forms, and communications for Medicare, Medicaid, Children’s Health Insurance Program, and the Social Security programs to reduce administrative challenges for caregivers.

ASF and FAST believe we must do whatever possible to reduce barriers and support the needs of families with complex medical conditions.

Read the letters: