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FAST is focused on one goal: developing treatments for, and ultimately curing, Angelman Syndrome. Your involvement is critical in helping us reach this goal as quickly as possible. Our fundraisers and donors have already helped us in identifying 3 potential drug therapy candidates, 2 potential gene therapy candidates and the development of 2 novel animal models of Angelman Syndrome. Your support will enable us to move these promising therapies through the research and development pipeline to our children who so desperately need them. In addition to pre-clinical work on identified potential therapies, FAST is focusing on drug discovery to treat the symptoms of Angelman Syndrome and to activate the silent, paternal Ube3a gene in a safe and effective manner. Research on Angelman Syndrome has never been so promising. 2015 marked the first year that biotechnologies have come forward to invest in treatments for this disorder. However, there is still much work to be done and we need your help now more than ever! Whether you are looking to donate or fundraise, there are countless ways you can help us cure Angelman Syndrome. Be part of our miracle; take action today! Make a donation Hold a fundraiser Contribute to an existing fundraiser